Returns and Refunds

Order Changes or Cancellation

All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within 1 hour. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled.

If you fail to request a cancellation within the specified time frame from when you placed the order, you will be responsible for the return shipping cost if you decide not to keep or want to return the item/s. We will only accept returns for items that are sealed and unused.


We will only send you a replacement if:

  • You received a defective product/s or the product/s has been damaged during shipping.
  • There is a missing item or items in your order upon receipt.

    The following circumstances are not eligible for a replacement:

    • Damages to the product caused by customers. It is important to note that when customers are responsible for the damage, our policy doesn't allow for any replacements.
    • Discarded Units. In the event that a customer is unable to provide original or actual photos of the defective units, warranty claims will not be honored.


    We offer a 100% money back guarantee on all products that are defective or damaged during shipping. Just let us know and we will provide a return address and a replacement or refund as preferred.

    Please note that customers will be responsible for paying return shipping costs if:

    • The customer no longer wishes to retain the items and seeks to initiate a return. We will only accept returns for items that are sealed and unused.

    The following circumstances are not eligible for a refund:

    • Your order does not arrive due to factors within your control such as:
      1. Incorrect Address: If the customer provides an incorrect or incomplete shipping address, it can lead to delays as the carrier attempts to resolve the issue.
      • Your order does not arrive due to factors not in our control such as:
      1. Weather Conditions: Natural disasters, storms, hurricanes, or other severe weather events can disrupt transportation and cause delays.
      2. Customs Clearance: International shipments may be delayed due to customs processing, inspections, or documentation issues.
      3. Carrier Issues: Problems with the shipping carrier, such as technical issues, transportation breakdowns, or operational challenges, can lead to delays.
      4. Public Holidays: National or regional holidays can impact shipping schedules, leading to delays in processing and delivery.
      5. Global Events: Events such as pandemics, strikes, or geopolitical issues can disrupt global supply chains and cause delays.
      6. Peak Seasons: High-demand periods, such as holiday seasons, can overload shipping systems, causing delays in processing and delivery.
      7. Unexpected Events: Unforeseen events like accidents, emergencies, or unexpected road closures can disrupt the transportation network and cause delays.
      8. Carrier Strikes: Labor strikes by employees of shipping companies can disrupt normal operations and lead to delays.
      • Shipping fees paid by the customer when placing the order are non-refundable. This applies to customers who no longer wishes to keep the items and seeks to initiate a return.
      • Damages to the product caused by customers. It is important to note that when customers are responsible for the damage, our policy doesn't allow for any refunds.

      *You can submit refund requests within 15 days after the guaranteed period for delivery (45 days) has expired. You can do it by sending a message on Contact Us page.

      NOTE: Our support team will ask for any needed documents, such as photos or videos, to properly assess any type of request.